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Distribusi Boltzmann dan Entropi

Pintas untuk: Perbedaan, Kesamaan, Jaccard Kesamaan Koefisien, Referensi.

Perbedaan antara Distribusi Boltzmann dan Entropi

Distribusi Boltzmann vs. Entropi

Distribusi Boltzmann dalam kimia, fisika, dan matematika (disebut juga Distribusi Gibbs Translated by J.B. Sykes and M.J. Kearsley. See section 28) adalah suatu fungsi distribusi atau menyatakan probabilitas pengukuran untuk distribusi keadaan suatu sistem. critical point of water or when salt is added to an ice-water mixture, entropy can either increase or decrease depending on system parameters, such as temperature and pressure. For example, if the spontaneous crystallization of a supercooled liquid takes place under adiabatic conditions the entropy of the resulting crystal will be greater than that of the supercooled liquid (Denbigh, K. (1982). ''The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium'', 4th Ed.). In general, however, when ice melts the entropy of the adjoined hot and cold bodies increases. Some further tutorials: http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/JCESoft/CCA/CCA3/MAIN/ENTROPY/PAGE1.HTM Ice-melting (example by ''Journal of Chemical Education''—subscription required); https://web.archive.org/web/20090222060701/http://www.bartleby.com/64/C004/024.html Ice-melting and Entropy Change (example by ''The American Heritage Book of English Usage''—archive.org copy); https://web.archive.org/web/20091015043726/http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~vawter/PhysicsNet/Topics/ThermLaw2/Entropy/InterptEntropy.html Ice-melting and Entropy Change (discussion by Western Washington University—archive.org copy) dijelaskan pada tahun 1862 oleh Rudolf Clausius sebagai kenaikan disgregasi molekul air pada es.Clausius, Rudolf (1862). Communicated to the Naturforschende Gesellschaft of Zurich, January 27, 1862; published in the Vierteljahrschrift of this Society, vol. vii. p. 48; in Poggendorff’s Annalen, May 1862, vol. cxvi. p. 73; in the Philosophical Magazine, S. 4. vol. xxiv. pp. 81, 201; and in the Journal des Mathematiques of Paris, S. 2. vol. vii. p. 209. Entropi adalah salah satu besaran termodinamika yang mengukur energi dalam sistem per satuan temperatur yang tak dapat digunakan untuk melakukan usaha.

Kemiripan antara Distribusi Boltzmann dan Entropi

Distribusi Boltzmann dan Entropi memiliki 0 kesamaan (dalam Unionpedia).

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Perbandingan antara Distribusi Boltzmann dan Entropi

Distribusi Boltzmann memiliki 11 hubungan, sementara Entropi memiliki 12. Ketika mereka memiliki kesamaan 0, indeks Jaccard adalah 0.00% = 0 / (11 + 12).


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